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Turkish apple smash

Türkischer Apfeltee mit Limette und Basilikum

Apple Smash

Turkish apple smash


7-8 tsp fruit tea Turkish apple

1 organic lime

1 organic apple (tart)


crushed ice or ice cubes


Add 1 liter of boiling water to the fruit tea mixture and let it steep for at least 40 minutes. Fill a large pot with ice and pour the tea over it. Allow to cool until the tea is completely cold. Slice the lime and apple and add them with a good handful of basil leaves to the cold tea and let it steep for at least an hour. 

Now the fruity-spicy iced tea can be served.

zesty cocktail tip: FOR SLOW SUMMER EVENINGS

Prepare the iced tea as described above and add dry white wine as desired.

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