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Green tea is that healthy

So gesund ist Grüner Tee

Green tea is that healthy

An insider tip among gourmets many years ago, green tea is now enjoying ever greater popularity. But is it really such a miracle cure as some people rave about? After all, in Europe “Camellia sinensis” is a stimulant and not a medicinal plant.

In fact, green tea is very beneficial for health. However, the effect depends strongly on the type of tea, the origin and above all the quality and should rather be understood as a supplement to a balanced diet.

Here is a short summary for you: Green tea is full of antioxidants (catechins) and therefore has a strong detoxifying effect. It not only lowers the cholesterol level in the blood, but also improves fat metabolism and thus accelerates fat burning. Due to its caffeine content, it increases performance and endurance. It also has anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antibacterial effects, and is actually immune-boosting.


The consumption of matcha (powdered green tea) has a much stronger effect than green tea that is simply infused with hot water. Since the tea leaf is also consumed with matcha, the body can naturally absorb the many ingredients much better. But even a cup of brewed green tea contains many of the ingredients and thus its positive effect.

Our conclusion: Green tea not only tastes good, but is also good for body, mind and soul!

What are you waiting for? Take a little time out, brew yourself a cup of tea and enjoy the peace and quiet!

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