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Kaffee richtig zubereiten

The fundamentals of making coffee

Coffee flavor is influenced by many factors. Starting with the roasting process continuing with the grind size right up to the brew – all these elements contribute to the tase adventure.

Here are the basics we put together for you:

The basics of coffee preparation at a glance

Einfluss der Röstung auf den Geschmack


• light roast → mild
• dark roast → strong


Grind Size

• too fine → bitter
• too coarse → weak and watery
• adjust grind size to brew style



• 150 ml cup → 7 – 10 g / cup
• espresso cup → 7 – 9 g / cup


Water Quality

• salts & minerals → positive
• chalky & chlorinated → negative


Water Temperature

• 88° – 95°C → ideal
• 100°C → ruining flavors

Die richtige Lagerung von Kaffee

Lifetime & Storage

• freshly brewed → perfect
• keeping warm too long → bitter
• freshly ground → perfect
• cool & airtight storage → good
• long-term storage → flavors evaporate

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